Endowment Benefactors

The initial Benefactors of the Endowment provided an excellent base for the Endowment Campaign's fund-raising effort. Starting with the donation of an antique miniature portrait on ivory of George Washington that continued the first president's relationship with the Tavern, several other early Benefactors need to be acknowledged for their contributions, both financial and as dedicated volunteers.

Kathleen Marie Kelly

Kathy Kelly was a docent at Gadsby's Tavern Museum for over 40 years. She was a Life Member of GTMS and served on the GTMS Executive Board for 12 years. Kathy's support for Gadsby's Tavern Museum was extensive -- from working on and attending any number of GTMS events to a generous bequest to the Society, which became the seed money for the Endowment. A Tribute Video was created to tell Kathy's story through pictures and comments from Historic Alexandria volunteers and staff members.

Laurie Kittle

Laurie's love of history extended to demonstrating it, causing her to collect an extensive collection of period clothing and accessories, a collection she graciously donated to Gadsby's Tavern Museum. She frequently portrayed upper class 18th century ladies. Her storytelling inspired thousands of visitors to Gadsby's and Gunston Hall who encountered Laurie during a special program or tour. Laurie's additional financial bequest was a significant early part of the Endowment,

Dick Sheridan

Dick Sheridan was a founding member of Gadsby’s Tavern Museum Society. He and wife, Kim, were already dedicated Museum volunteers in 1991. Dick was well-known for baking bread sold at the 18th-century Fair, hawking refreshments at Historic Alexandria Hauntings, tending bar at receptions, marching in parades, serving on the GTMS board, and raising money in countless ways for the Museum. After Dick died in 2002, GTMS set up the Museum’s Outreach Trunk that brought 18th century life to classrooms. Those funds have now been migrated to the Endowment.

Even George Washington Supported the Endowment

Read how this early 19th century miniature portrait of George Washington continued our Hometown Hero's support of Gadsby's Tavern into the 21st century.